Accessible. Study online from any device.

    Flexible. Study at your own pace.


    If you complete at least 75% of the course and you don't score at least 30 you get your money back - no questions asked and no fine print.


    Animated videos explain tough concepts and strategies

    Curated study schedules guide your practice


    100's of practice questions written by experienced tutors and teachers

    Diagnostic tests to track your progress

Animated Videos

Animated videos accompany many of the practice questions, providing instruction and tips on how to solve the question.
Olive Book course screenshot

Detailed Question Explanations

Every question also has a detailed written explanation for you.
Olive Book course screenshot

Test Tips and Study Resources

Dozens of test insights, study tips and guides, and tutor-recommended schedules help guide your study sessions.
Olive Book course screenshot

Essay Practice

Practice for the optional ACT essay section with original prompts and essay-writing guides.
Olive Book course screenshot

“The course is very helpful. It explains the concepts and methods nicely and in a simple manner. The question answer interface is also good, and it explains the answers very nicely. I have understood many of my mistakes that I was making. Compared to other prep methods I would say The Olive Book is more detailed and a little more intensive.”

Olive Book Student

“I got a 30 on my ACT surely due to my practice using the Olive Book.”

Olive Book Student

“Thank you so much for your free course, because of it I was able to score a 35 composite on my first try as a freshman. I greatly appreciate your help.”

Olive Book Student

Get to the next level with Olive Book

The average Olive Book student boosted their ACT score by 2 points.


  • 100's of ACT practice questions written by experienced tutors and teachers

  • English grammar passages with accompanying questions and grammar quizzes

  • Reading passages and corresponding practice questions, as well as videos explaining reading strategies

  • Professionally animated, graphically-rich video explanations explain tough concepts and test strategies. These aren't screen-scribbles or tripod-teachers.

  • Essay practice prompts and writing tips

  • Calculator tutorials, test strategies, and pro tips for solving difficult problems

  • Diagnostic and Post Tests to check your progress

Olive Book is all you need.

Complete at least 75% of the course, and if you don't score at least a 30 on the ACT, we'll refund all of your tuition, no questions asked and no fine print


We'd never keep your money if you weren't thrilled, and we won't make you jump through hoops to get the refund. If you completed at least 75% of the course, and you didn't score at least 30 on the ACT, write us at [email protected] and we'll refund all of your money, no questions asked and no fine print. Take a minute now to put that email address in your calendar for one month after test day so you don't have to worry about forgetting to ask for a refund. Is this a subscription? No, it's a one-time payment for unlimited use.

Need a scholarship for the course because you have documented financial hardship (Medicaid, SNAP, free or reduced school lunch)? Let us know.